Controlling Condensation and Mould

During the winter months, it is easy to place wet washing onto radiators to dry as you need to have the heating on so what is the harm? You’d be surprised at how much damage this can create in terms of condensation and mould which can be costly in the long run.
It is important windows are kept open on a vent to allow air to circulate and washing should never be placed on a radiator near a wall as this will lead to the walls becoming damp. It is more beneficial to use a warm air dryer that runs on electricity to dry your washing as this will be more cost effective, without damaging your property.
Where possible, using a dehumidifier is advisable as this will capture the moisture in the air preventing this from attacking your walls.
Most people think they can wipe away the mould and in some instances paint over this, but all you are doing is masking the problem rather than solving it and the longer you continue to do this the bigger the problem becomes and more costly too.