Who needs a Survey?

Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions that many people make but surprisingly most will only rely on a mortgage lender’s valuation report to tell them if it’s a good deal or not, we don’t believe that’s a risk our clients should be taking.
That’s because a mortgage lender’s valuation report is not a survey!
It’s only a very simple overview of the property to help the lender to decide whether the property is suitable for a mortgage.
Nowadays, some mortgages are even offered without a surveyor inspecting the property and the mortgage valuation is determined by an automated or desktop method.
Historically less than 20% of those purchasing a house also commissioned a survey. Those that did get a survey often did this via their mortgage lender, but many lenders no longer offer surveys to their clients.
This presents a great opportunity for us to engage with our clients and to give them the best possible advice.
In fact, anybody buying a house should certainly consider getting a survey even if they are not our client today.
A survey can sometimes seem like an additional, unnecessary expense but it is better for our clients to know about problems upfront rather than uncover expensive surprises after they have moved in.
Valunation would love to hear from you, please contact us on 01206 363658 or referrals@valunation.com