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Unusual Discoveries When Carrying Out a Property Survey



When you book a Survey, you are probably expecting the report to highlight some issues with the property, such as damp or the windows need replacing, however, a surveyor may discover a lot more than this on the inspection.


Apart from botched plumbing or electrical work, surveyors have found unexpected items & animals hidden way in corners, particularly in the lofts, basements and outbuildings. Mice, rats, ants, woodworm, animal bones and more can all be discovered when you know what the tell-tale signs are, even if the current homeowner isn’t aware of them. In some instances, surveyors have found pipes held together by masking tape or electrical wires joined together by tape or extension leads being over filled with plugs.


When buying a home, you may overlook these issues particularly if they are hidden or if you have truly fallen in love with the property.  It is important you request a Level 2 survey as we can carry out a thorough inspection of the property highlighting the issues and potential costs associated with them before you go ahead with purchasing the property.